FAQ About NPs
What is a nurse practitioner (NP)?
All WFCA NPs are advanced practice nurses who are board-certified in adult or family practice and carry a Masters or Doctorate in Nursing Practice. They have undergone years of nursing and medical training and have participated in at least one year of preceptorship. All of our NPs who are taking on new patients as PCPs also have at least 2 years (and most many more) of real-world clinical primary care experience.
Why choose an NP as your PCP?
Our highly skilled and experienced team of nurse practitioners deliver high-quality and patient-centered care. Their expertise and commitment enhance overall health outcomes for our patients. Multiple studies have shown that care provided by NPs is comparable in quality to that provided by physicians, with high patient satisfaction. Our NPs function exactly like our physician providers - they prescribe all medications, collaborate with MGB and outside specialists, order labs and tests, practice preventative care and expertly manage chronic diseases.
What is the difference between an NP and a MD?
NPs have a masters or doctorate in nursing while MDs have a medical degree. MDs have a residency after medical school for 3 years whereas NPs go right into clinical practice. Some NPs do residencies. NPs adopt a holistic approach to patient care, emphasizing a partnership with patients and involving you in decision-making about your health.
What if I get diagnosed with a serious medical condition like cancer?
Just as your physician PCP would do, your NP PCP will discuss with you the details of your condition and quickly refer you to the appropriate specialist for additional care. Your NP PCP would also follow along with your treatments and testing, just as your physician would.
Can NPs take over my medications?
YES - NPs are independent prescribers of all medications.
What if I have a complicated problem that my NP is unable to diagnose?
All providers at WFCA have a collaborative approach to practicing medicine and confer with the entire provider team (including our excellent MDs) and with our specialist referral network frequently to help us diagnose complex or rare/unique medical conditions.
What is the difference between a CNP, FNP, AGNP and DNP?
CNP is certified nurse practitioner which is what Massachusetts calls all licensed and board-certified advanced practice nurses.
FNP stands for family nurse practitioner which means the NP is board certified to practice family medicine which is primary care for ALL ages.
DNP stands for doctorate in nursing practice.
AGNP stands for adult and geriatric nurse practitioner.
FNP stands for family nurse practitioner which means the NP is board certified to practice family medicine which is primary care for ALL ages.
DNP stands for doctorate in nursing practice.
AGNP stands for adult and geriatric nurse practitioner.